It's almost 1.5 years since the launch of WP7 in Canada and over that time, I have installed/uninstalled quite a number of apps as they are released.
If you are new to WP7, then I hope my series of recommended apps (paid/unpaid) would help you find the apps that you are looking for.
I am a pretty big gamer (a hardcode gamer) as I do play a lot of console games when I have time, I own both an XBOX360 and a PS3. Casual games are not really my thing but there are some good ones that are on the WP7 that are definitely worth mentioning. There are quite a few of them so instead I'll get to those in the future.
First of all, I am in no way associated with Microsoft or any of the WP7 app publishers. Just that some of these apps are quite useful and a lot of them are pretty damn awesome and I'd thought I shared them with you guys. Free feel to add what apps you like in the comments section.
If you are a hardcore gamer, the games can get pretty expensive. Fortunately, there an app for that:

Click here to install on your WP7

Click here to install on your WP7

Click here to install on your WP7
More app posts on the way!
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