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Canadian Tips Calculator
Cross Border Gasser
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Canada Border Wait Times
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Vancouver Traffic Cam
On your WP7
Canadian Tips Calculator
*Update* - CTC is now fully featured with the trial mode. The purchase mode is only if you want to donate - Enjoy!
Are you paying tips on top of your taxes? Did you know in Ontario, where the HST is 13%, on a $100 meal total, if you are paying 15% tips, you are paying $1.73 extra as you are tipping on top of the HST?
The Canadian Tips Calculator is different from all those tips calculator out there. All you need is the total, and it calculates the pre-tax amount of your bill and figure out how much you really should be tipping instead of tipping on top of some tax.
Are you paying tips on top of your taxes? Did you know in Ontario, where the HST is 13%, on a $100 meal total, if you are paying 15% tips, you are paying $1.73 extra as you are tipping on top of the HST?
The Canadian Tips Calculator is different from all those tips calculator out there. All you need is the total, and it calculates the pre-tax amount of your bill and figure out how much you really should be tipping instead of tipping on top of some tax.